Imagining a future that benefits working families.

Planting seeds for
a brighter future.

We must think of ourselves as gardeners carefully tending to our community’s progress. Whether through education, sustainable practices, or fostering empathy and understanding, each action contributes to a brighter tomorrow. Every seed planted today carries the potential to blossom into a brighter, more equitable world for generations to come.

Our future is green

Our future is sustainable

Our future is fair

Our future is affordable

Our future is green ★ Our future is sustainable ★ Our future is fair ★ Our future is affordable ★

Ontario deserves a champion for the families that live and work here now. We need to start investing in building affordable housing for growing families, making our parks better public spaces, and building safer streets.

A better future is possible.

Ontario is a city that can afford to tackle many of the issues are community faces. We cannot solve everything overnight, but we can work towards solutions and be a model for the region. Here are some things we can start doing now to make positive change in our community.

Public Art & Green Spaces

We need to invest in public art and public spaces. We can make our public spaces safer, more inviting, and more accessible. Ontario is building public parks, but not in neighborhoods where people live already. People should not have to drive to the other side of the city to enjoy the benefits of being outside. Public spaces should be built and taken care of in our own neighborhoods. Public art done well has significant ROI on improvements in health, education and safety.

Diversify the Economy

Ontario is not attracting jobs of the future. 120 years ago Ontario was named a “model colony” for its innovative development of water infrastructure. Today we need to turn the narrative of having the worst air quality in the nation into a redemption story and become a model of sustainability. Building a greener community will bring good union jobs. People set up innovative and dynamic businesses in innovative and dynamic places. We are in a prime location and well situated to turn Ontario into a thriving heart of the Inland Empire instead of a commuter city. We need to start building the foundation for the next generation to bloom.

Safer Communities

Ontario needs to prioritize public safety by redesigning streets so it is safer for kids to play outside, by committing to fixing our air quality, and giving young people better opportunities to begin their independent lives as engaged members of our community. More investment and creative investment in how we engage our community is crucial. We need to get creative in reaching our most vulnerable communities. The lowest income areas have the least access to services.

Strengthen Community Pride

Investing in community building creates the crucial non-tangibles that giving young people hope for the future and put them on the path to success. In turn creating safer neighborhoods and long-term better outcomes for children and schools. We need to start celebrating the incredible diversity of our community and we need to see more leadership that truly understands the community they serve. Young people need to know they have an important role in shaping the future of their community.

Quality, Affordable Housing

We can enact policies to encourage more affordable housing. We should be exploring all the ways we can expand housing like ADUs and infill development. New developments should be providing relief to local workers and residents first, but the price of new luxury developments are completely unattainable for our community. We need to ensure there is inclusion of affordable units in these projects and that people do not get priced out of their existing housing.

Warehouses & Air Quality

Ontario is saturated with warehouses and now has the worst air quality in the nation. This the direct product of bad policy choices. The City pulls in hundreds of millions in tax dollars at the cost of selling out the long-term health and safety of our community. Bad air quality shaves decades of our lives and robs folks of valuable years with their loved ones. Warehouse jobs can be an excellent source of economic opportunity if we fight to make sure workers are paid and treated well. We are ideally located and should be making businesses better partners to our community.