Vote Andrea Galván for Ontario City Council - District 4

Planting Seeds for a Brighter Future.

Vote for a safer Ontario

Vote for clean air

Vote for our families

Vote for a brighter future

Vote for a safer Ontario ★ Vote for clean air ★ Vote for our families ★ Vote for a brighter future ★

Ready to Galvánize change in Ontario

Ontario faces complex issues that require innovative solutions and building broad coalitions to work together to implement positive change.

Working families deserve a fair shot and the economy needs to work for our community. Andrea is running to serve as a voice for Ontario residents that have gone underrepresented for too long. She is ready to get to work planting the seeds for a brighter future.


“Our city faces enormous challenges and we need real leadership to be creative and proactive about how to protect Ontario’s future. I am ready to bring my experience and tenacity to build a more resilient and safer tomorrow.”

Planting strong roots to build a safer & brighter future

Our city’s challenges require digging deep to identify root causes and developing creative community-based solutions to these problems. Ontario needs strong leadership that is ready to put its people first. We need to ensure older folks can afford to retire and younger folks can begin to build their lives. Ontario was founded based on a model of innovation unlike anywhere else in the nation. Built on imagining what could be. Today we need to take the same progressive approach to ensure the city thrives for the next 120 years. Working together we can plant the seeds so the next generation can bloom and thrive.

Strong Roots

Strong Futures

Strong Roots ★ Strong Futures ★

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